real estate agent Curacao

A real estate agent on Curacao can help you find your dream property

Buying a house in Curacao is an important, exciting and a step forward in your life. searching for a dream home in Curacao can be a challenge due to, for example, your own busy schedule, the current housing market or insufficient know-how about the local real estate market. A real...


Buying your first home on Curacao?

Here are 5 tips for when you are going to buy a house on Curacao: Are you thinking about buying your first house on Curacao, but haven’t looked into it yet? Nothing crazy about it because where do you start? To begin with, it can be challenging to find your...


Pricing on land in Curacao

Land prices on Curacao Land prices on Curacao have risen enormously in recent years, where, for example, in the popular neighborhoods of Jan Thiel and Brakkeput about 5 years ago, people could purchase for NAF 100 per square meter, depending on the location, the prices sometimes increased to NAF 250...


Borrowing money on Curacao

You do not just borrow money on Curacao. After all, entering into a financial commitment is quite a responsibility. So that just has to be done properly. Financing a home on Curacao can be done in several ways. If you are self-employed, you could if possible borrow the necessary amount...


Do you want to buy a house or apartment?

Buying a house or apartment on Curacao? You have decided to buy a home on Curacao, you have spoken to the bank and it is not a problem financially. Now you are faced with the choice: Will it be a house or an apartment. There are many differences between these...


Rent to Buy a property on Curacao

What is ‘Rent to buy’ and how exactly does it work? If you do not have the financial space for a while, but you see a great opportunity, a ‘rent to buy property’ can be a solution. Rent to buy, is a relatively unknown form of borrowing or lending money...


Buying a house on Curacao from the Netherlands

You have started your search for a home on Curacao or maybe just stopped because you have already found your dream home. At our real estate office we regularly get the question “can I buy a property on Curacao from the Netherlands?” I can answer the answer to that question...


Make your house easier to sell

Do you want to sell your home on Curacao? You don’t do that every day, which is why it is even more exciting! We often get the question how you really make your home on Curacao ready for sale and when the house is perfectly presented for the photo shoot....


Homes in Mahaai Damacor & van Engelen

Pros and cons of living in a central area such as Mahaai and Damacor and van Engelen Anyone looking for a home on Curacao, whether it is to buy or rent, first asks themselves the question: ‘In which area do I want to live?’ or ‘where do I not want...


Silent sale Curacao

You want to offer your house or business premises for sale in silent mode. What is the most important then? That your broker has a large network and treats your data confidentially, of course! Then you’ve come to the right place at Sun Life Real estate. Make an appointment without...


Buying or renting a home with or without a partner?

Can I rent or buy a home on Curacao without my partner’s permission? Buying or renting a home on Curacao is no problem for some partners. However, many people have questions in their heads. What happens to the debts after the death of the partner? Who must pay off the...


Looking for a home in Bottelier?

Bottelier a great and centrally located residential area on Curacao Bottelier Curacao, a neighborhood with great views Location of the district The Bottelier neighborhood is connected to the Caracasbaaiweg, the main road that links Willemstad and the area around the Spanish water. In the south, the area borders on Lagun...


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