You can certainly call this a unique place. This restaurant business is located in Salina "the entertainment and business area of Curacao" and in the immediate vicinity of KFC, Mac Donalds, various bars and other restaurants. Because of the location and layout, this restaurant is very suitable to operate as a day and night business. The total industrial floor area is more than 250 m². this property is fully furnished with kitchen and dining room Rented.
What stands out at this company is the central and easily accessible location and ample parking. This restaurant is ready for a new start, so that in principle almost no extra investments are required.
We are looking for the experienced entrepreneur with management capabilities to further develop this restaurant into a concept on Curacao, with the owner willing to contribute to attractive rental constructions.
A long-term vision is an advantage, with the right business plan, you can eventually look at the necessary renovation and / or adjustments.
Have you always dreamed of becoming a catering entrepreneur? Then this is your chance!