Notaries Curacao
Notary offices Curacao
The delivery of a home and other real estate on Curacao is only legally valid when this is done through a Notary. The civil-law notary ensures that the obligations included in the purchase agreement are carried out, accepts the purchase price from the buyer and ensures that the home or other real estate is transferred to the buyer without debts. After the transfer, the civil-law notary checks whether any objections have been raised on the property in the meantime and will only then pay the purchase price minus the established securities to the seller.
If you are looking for a notary on Curacao, you can contact one of the offices below:
Notaris kantoor Naaldijk
Notaris kantoor Moerdijk & Palm
Notaris Kantoor Victoria
Notaris Kantoor Kleinmoedig & Alexander
Notaris Kantoor Hu – A – NG
Notaris Burgers Fung A Loi
Notaris kantoor Chatlein
Notaris van der Pluijm Vrede
Notaris kantoor Simon & Steenbaar
Notaris Kantoor Eshuis
If you are a notary yourself or you work at a notary office and you are not in this list, please report it to us then we will gladly add you
You can also visit our Facebook and Instagram pages to have a look at our latest listings.
Categorieën: News, notaris op Curacao
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