Curacao Home Inspection

17 april 2020

All About Home Inspections in Curacao   Home inspections are a necessary part of buying (and selling) a home in Curacao. But what are they, how do they work, and how do you get started? Sun Life Real Estate has the home inspection checklist to help. What is a home inspection? Home inspections are thorough property examinations.…

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Buying or Selling a Curacao Home As-Is

14 april 2020

Buying or Selling a Curacao Home As-Is We all know (or can easily figure out) the concept of buying or something “as-is.” I’m about to try selling my car as-is for NAF 5000 — it works well, but needs some tuning up, the tires are flat, it needs oil change and it has some scratches.…

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Easements That Every Homeowner in Curacao Should Know

14 april 2020

5 Types of Easements That Every Homeowner in Curacao Should Know Did you ever cut through a neighbor’s yard as a kid? You knew you weren’t supposed to be on their property, but it was so much easier to sneak through their yard than to walk all the way around. Most homeowners in Curacao (understandably)…

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Bedrijf starten op Curacao

10 april 2020

3 vragen en antwoorden over een bedrijf starten op Curacao Het zonnige en belasting vriendelijke Curacao is er niet alleen voor de grote bedrijven van deze wereld. Ook als kleine ondernemer kun je kun je op Curacao gaan starten. Of het nu gaat om het opzetten van een pittoresk hotel in de binnenstad van Willemstad, een scooter verhuurbedrijf   of…

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Air Conditioning on Curacao

6 april 2020

Maintenance of air conditioning on Curaçao   Like every appliance in your home or business, an air conditioner also needs to be serviced every now and then. By doing this, you not only ensure optimal functioning of the air conditioning, but also helps you keep the air in the room clean.   Why provide maintenance…

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