Starting a business in Curacao

25 juli 2020

3 questions and answers about starting a business on Curacao  The sunny and tax-friendly Curacao is not only for the big companies of this world. You can also start on Curacao as a small entrepreneur. Whether it concerns setting up a picturesque hotel in the center of Willemstad, a scooter rental company or a mini…

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Buying a Fridge on Curacao

18 juli 2020

The refrigerator is indispensable in the kitchen on Curacao! It is therefore important to purchase one that perfectly suits your needs. There are a number of points to consider when buying a new refrigerator. Ask yourself the following questions to make a good choice:   110 OR 220 VOLTS?   On Curacao people use 110…

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Make Dutch Province from the Caribbean Islands?

13 juli 2020

Sint Maarten, Curaçao and Aruba, which mainly live on tourists, have been hit hard by the corona crisis, leaving guests away and the economy collapsing. This crisis could possibly be used to turn the six islands in the West into a single province and thus link them more closely with the Netherlands, argues Arendo Joustra.…

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Maak van de 6 Caraibische eilanden 1 Nederlandse Provincie!

5 juli 2020

Vrijdag aanstaande komt de Rijksministerraad bijeen om te besluiten over steun van Nederland aan de andere drie landen van het Koninkrijk: Sint Maarten, Curaçao en Aruba. De drie eilanden, die voornamelijk leven van toeristen, zijn hard getroffen door de coronacrisis, waardoor gasten wegblijven en de economie is ingestort. Mogelijk kan deze crisis worden benut om…

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Dream Villa with Oceanfront View For Sale

28 juni 2020

Living in Paradise Surely, at some point, you have thought about living in a paradise-like island. Curacao is a definitely a good destination, as you can find many incredibly beautiful beaches with fine sand and crystal clear water. However, to have the full experience of what ‘paradise’ should be like, you also want to live…

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